Thursday, January 25, 2024

Shared Grounds in Grote Prijs van Charlois

In January we were honoured to be nominated for the 'Grote Prijs van Charlois’, a prize created by the district council of Charlois in Rotterdam to put initiators who make a valuable contribution to the district in the limelight. There were many amazing projects nominated, with Etienne Tjon-A-Kon taking out the grand prize for their wonderful work with young people from the neighbourhood.

It was a great evening to learn about other social initiatives of the area and toast to everyone's achievements and hard work. Cheers! And thank you to the district council for their nomination!

A list of the nominated projects include:

Etienne Tjon-A-Kon – opent elke zaterdag Huis van de Wijk Clemensstraat voor jongeren

Sido Silvius – ruimt 2x per week oud vuil op rond Charloisse Hoofd

Hans en Carla van der Leer – runnen speeltuin De Waal

Kate Price & Guillem S. Arquer – Shared Grounds rondom Gouwplein

Anouk van Reijen – VVV Oud-Charlois

Zuidhoek Spookstraat 2023 - Halloween